
Common Names in Organic Chemistry

An overview of common names in organic chemistry and strategies to memorize them effectively.

Organic Chemistry: Common Names

In the vast and complex realm of organic chemistry, the use of non-systematic way of representing compounds presents a formidable challenge. One aspect that often stumps students is the use of common names for compounds. These seemingly arbitrary names can hinder your understanding and ability to solve problems. However, with a strategic approach and some memorization, you can conquer this obstacle.

Common names are often used colloquially and in everyday life but lack a systematic approach like IUPAC nomenclature. This poses a challenge for JEE aspirants, as exam questions may use common names that you might not be familiar with. To overcome this, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with common names and their corresponding structures.

To help you navigate this labyrinth, I’ve compiled a collection of study materials and tips:


This list may and will be updated in future as I add more resources.


  1. Common Names Google Drive Collection:
    • PDFs I collected that included common names and their corresponding structures. (Sorry, but I didn’t consider noting the sources at that time.)

Online Courses

  1. Khan Academy Organic Chemistry Course:
    • Khan Academy is the best. (My favourite)


  1. IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds:
    • Full text explaination of IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds.

Memorization Techniques

To effectively memorize common names, try these strategies:

  1. Spaced Repetition:
    • Revise common names at increasing intervals to reinforce your memory.
  2. Associations:
    • Link common names to familiar objects or concepts to enhance recall.
  3. Flashcards: (Totally Optional)
    • Create flashcards with common names on one side and structures on the other. Try out Anki if you wanna make them digitally.

Remember, memorizing common names is not just rote learning; it’s about understanding the underlying structural patterns. This will not only aid your self-study, but also equip you with a solid foundation for higher studies in chemistry. So, embrace the organic chemistry adventure, conquer the common name challenge, and unlock your true potential in this captivating subject.

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