Subsections of Constants & Conversions
Universal / Physical Constants
Symbol | Quantity | Value | Unit | Dimension |
$c$ | Speed of light in vacuum | $3 \times 10^{8}$ $\text{(exact) } 299,792,458$ | $\mathrm{m \, s^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{LT^{-1}}$ |
$h$ | Planck constant | $6.626 \times 10^{-34}$ | $\mathrm{J \, s}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-1}}$ |
$hc$ | Photon Energy constant | $1242$ | $\mathrm{eV \cdot nm}$ $\mathrm{MeV \cdot fm}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-1}}$ |
$\hbar = \dfrac{h}{2\pi}$ | Reduced Planck constant | $1.055 \times 10^{-34}$ | $\mathrm{J \, s}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-1}}$ |
$\mu_0$ | Vacuum Magnetic permeability | $4\pi \times 10^{-7}$ | $\mathrm{N \, A^{-2}}$ | $\mathrm{MLT^{-2}I^{-2}}$ |
$\varepsilon_0 = \dfrac{1}{\mu_0\,c^2}$ | Vacuum Electric permittivity | $8.854 \times 10^{-12}$ | $\mathrm{F \, m^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{M^{-1}L^{-3}T^{4}I^{2}}$ |
$Z_0 = \dfrac{1}{\varepsilon_0}$ | Characteristic impedance of vacuum | $3.77 \times 10^{2}$ | $\mathrm{\Omega}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-3}I^{-2}}$ |
$G$ | Newtonian constant of gravitation | $6.67 \times 10^{-11}$ | $\mathrm{m^{3} \, kg^{-1} \, s^{-2}}$ | $\mathrm{L^{3}M^{-1}T^{-2}}$ |
$R = \dfrac{PV}{nT}$ | Molar / Universal Gas constant | $8.314 \approx 25/3$ $0.082 \approx 1/12$ $62.36$ | $\mathrm{J \, mol^{-1} \, K^{-1}}$ $\mathrm{L \,atm \, mol^{-1} \, K^{-1}}$ $\mathrm{L \,torr \, mol^{-1} \, K^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-2}K^{-1}}$ |
$N_A$ | Avagadro constant | $6.022 \times 10^{-23}$ | $\mathrm{mol^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-2}K^{-1}}$ |
$N_A\,h$ | Molar Planck constant | $4 \times 10^{-10}$ | $\mathrm{J \, s \, mol^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-2}K^{-1}}$ |
$k_B = \dfrac{R}{N_A}$ | Boltzmann constant | $1.38 \times 10^{-23}$ | $\mathrm{J \, K^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-2}K^{-1}}$ |
$\sigma$ | StefanāBoltzmann constant | $5.67 \times 10^{-8}$ | $\mathrm{W \, m^{-2} \, K^{-4}}$ | $\mathrm{MT^{-3}K^{-4}}$ |
$\mathrm{F} = N_A\,e$ | Faraday constant | $9.65 \times 10^{4}$ | $\mathrm{C \, mol^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{MT^{-3}K^{-4}}$ |
$e^-$ | Elementary Charge | $1.602 \times 10^{-19}$ | $\mathrm{C}$ | $\mathrm{TI}$ |
$m_e$ | Electron mass | $9.11 \times 10^{-31}$ | $\mathrm{kg}$ | $\mathrm{M}$ |
$m_p$ | Proton mass | $1.6726 \times 10^{-27}$ | $\mathrm{kg}$ | $\mathrm{M}$ |
$m_n$ | Neutron mass | $1.6749 \times 10^{-27}$ | $\mathrm{kg}$ | $\mathrm{M}$ |
$m_p / m_e$ | Proton-to-electron mass ratio | $1.84 \times 10^{3}$ | $-$ | Dimensionless |
$m_{\mu}$ | Muon mass | $1.88 \times 10^{-28}$ | $\mathrm{kg}$ | $\mathrm{M}$ |
$m_{\tau}$ | Tau mass | $3.16 \times 10^{-27}$ | $\mathrm{kg}$ | $\mathrm{M}$ |
$\alpha = \dfrac{e^2}{2\epsilon_0hc}$ | Fine Structure constant | $7.297 \times 10^{-3} \approx \dfrac{1}{137}$ | $-$ | Dimensionless |
$\alpha^{-1}$ | Inverse fine structure constant | $137.036$ | $-$ | Dimensionless |
$m_u = \dfrac{m({}^{12}\mathrm{C})}{N_A}$ | Atomic mass unit | $1.66 \times 10^{-27}$ | $\mathrm{kg}$ | $\mathrm{M}$ |
$\mu_B = \dfrac{he}{4\pi m_e}$ | Bohr Magneton | $9.274 \times 10^{-24}$ | $\mathrm{J \, T^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{L^{2}IT^{-2}}$ |
$R_{\infty} = \dfrac{m_e e^4}{8\epsilon_0 h^3c}$ | Rydberg constant | $1.10 \times 10^{7}$ | $\mathrm{m^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{L^{-1}}$ |
$R_{\infty}\,hc$ | Rydberg Unit of Energy | $2.18 \times 10^{-18}$ $13.6$ | $\mathrm{J}$ $\mathrm{eV}$ | $\mathrm{L^{-1}}$ |
$a_0 = \dfrac{h\epsilon_0}{\pi e^2 m_e}$ | Bohr radius | $5.29 \times 10^{-11}$ | $\mathrm{m}$ | $\mathrm{L}$ |
$b$ | Wien wavelength displacement constant | $2.90 \times 10^{-3}$ | $\mathrm{m \, K}$ | $\mathrm{LK}$ |
$b^\prime$ | Wien frequency displacement law constant | $5.88 \times 10^{10}$ | $\mathrm{Hz \, K^{-1}}$ | $\mathrm{T^{-1}K^{-1}}$ |
$b_{\text{entropy}}$ | Wien entropy displacement law constant | $3.00 \times 10^{-3}$ | $\mathrm{m \, K}$ | $\mathrm{LK}$ |
$r_e$ | Classical electron radius | $2.82 \times 10^{-15}$ | $\mathrm{m}$ | $\mathrm{L}$ |
$E_{\text{ion}}$ | Ionization Energy of hydrogen | $2.18 \times 10^{-18}$ | $\mathrm{J}$ | $\mathrm{ML^{2}T^{-2}}$ |
Derived / Composite Constants
Symbol | Quantity | Value | Unit | Dimension |
$V_{\text{molar}} = \dfrac{RT}{P}$ | Molar Volume of Ideal Gas at: | $\text{See Below}$ | $-$ | $-$ |
(normal) $V_{\text{STP}}$ | $T = 0^{\circ}\mathrm{\,C} = 273.15\mathrm{\,K}\:,\quad P = 101.325\mathrm{\,kPa} = 1\mathrm{\,atm}$ | $22.4$ | $\mathrm{L}$ | $L^{3}$ |
(new) $V_{\text{STP}}$ | $T = 0^{\circ}\mathrm{\,C} = 273.15\mathrm{\,K}\:,\quad P = 100\mathrm{\,kPa} = 0.987\mathrm{\,atm}$ | $22.7$ | $\mathrm{L}$ | $L^{3}$ |
$V_{\text{NTP}}$ | $T = 20^{\circ}\mathrm{\,C} = 293.15\mathrm{\,K}\:,\quad P = 101.325\mathrm{\,kPa} = 1\mathrm{\,atm}$ | $24.0$ | $\mathrm{L}$ | $L^{3}$ |
$V_{\text{SATP}}$ | $T = 25^{\circ}\mathrm{\,C} = 298.15\mathrm{\,K}\:,\quad P = 101.325\mathrm{\,kPa} = 1\mathrm{\,atm}$ | $24.5$ | $\mathrm{L}$ | $L^{3}$ |
Empirical / Local Constants
Symbol | Quantity | Value | Unit | Dimension |
$g_{\text{earth}}$ | Earth’s acceleration due to gravity | $9.81$ | $\mathrm{m \, s^{-2}}$ | $\mathrm{L^{3}M^{-1}T^{-2}}$ |
Note: This page includes several unconventional approximations, often tailored for exams where calculators arenāt permitted.
Metric Prefixes
Prefix | Symbol | Meaning | Prefix | Symbol | Meaning |
quetta | $Q$ | $10^{30}$ | quecto | $q$ | $10^{-30}$ |
ronna | $R$ | $10^{27}$ | ronto | $r$ | $10^{-27}$ |
yotta | $Y$ | $10^{24}$ | yocto | $y$ | $10^{-24}$ |
zetta | $Z$ | $10^{21}$ | zepto | $z$ | $10^{-21}$ |
exa | $E$ | $10^{18}$ | atto | $a$ | $10^{-18}$ |
peta | $P$ | $10^{15}$ | femto | $f$ | $10^{-15}$ |
tera | $T$ | $10^{12}$ | pico | $p$ | $10^{-12}$ |
giga | $G$ | $10^{9}$ | nano | $n$ | $10^{-9}$ |
mega | $M$ | $10^{6}$ | micro | $\mu$ | $10^{-6}$ |
kilo | $k$ | $10^{3}$ | milli | $m$ | $10^{-3}$ |
hecto | $h$ | $10^{2}$ | centi | $c$ | $10^{-2}$ |
deka | $da$ | $10^{1}$ | deci | $d$ | $10^{-1}$ |
(base unit) | - | $10^{0}$ | (base unit) | - | $10^{0}$ |
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:m &= 39.37( \approx 243/8) \:in &&= 3.28( \approx 105/32) \:ft &&= 1.094( \approx 11/10) \:yd \\ 1 \:in &= 2.54 \:cm &&= 1/12 \:ft \\ 1 \:ft &= 12 \:in &&= 0.3048 \:m \\ 1 \:km &= 0.6214 \:mi &&= 3281 \:ft \\ 1 \:mi &= 5280 \:ft &&= 1.609 \:km \\ 1 \:\text{light-year} &= 9.461 \times 10^{12} \:km \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} \text{Kelvin, } & K &&= {}^\circ C + 273.15 \\ \text{Celsius, } & {}^\circ C &&= K - 273.15 &&= \dfrac{5}{9}({}^\circ F - 32) \\ \text{Fahrenheit, } & {}^\circ F &&= \dfrac{9}{5}{}^\circ C + 32 \\ \text{Rankine, } & {}^\circ R &&= {}^\circ F + 459.67&&= \dfrac{5}{9}K \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} km/h &= \dfrac{5}{18} \:m/s , & m/s &= \dfrac{18}{5} \:km/h \\ mi/h &= 0.447 \:m/s , &ft/s &= 0.305 \:m/s \\ \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:kg &= 2.204 \:lb &&= 35.274 \:oz \\ 1 \:lb &= 0.4536 \:kg &&= 16 \:oz \\ 1 \:oz &= 0.0283 \:kg \\ 1 \:amu &= 1.66 \times 10^{-27} \:kg \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:N &= 10^5 \:dyn &&= 0.2248 \:lbf \\ 1 \:dyn &= 10^{-5} \:N \\ 1 \:lbf &= 4.448 \:N \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:m^2 &= 10.764 \:ft^2 &&= 1550 \:in^2 \\ 1 \:in^2 &= 6.45 \:cm^2 \\ 1 \:acre &= 4047 \:m^2 &&= 43560 \:ft^2 \\ 1 \:hectare &= 10^4 \:m^2 \\ 1 \:mi^2 &= 2.59 \:km^2 &&= 640 \:acres \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:m^3 &= 10^3 \:L &&= 35.315 \:ft^3 &&= 264.2 \:gal \\ 1 \:cm^3 &= 1 \:mL &&= 0.061 \:in^3 \\ 1 \:L &= 10^3 \:cm^3 &&= 0.264 \:gal \\ 1 \:ft^3 &= 7.48 \:gal &&= 28.317 \:L \\ 1 \:gal &= 3.785 \:L &&= 231 \:in^3 \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:kPa &= 10^3 \:N/m^2 &&= 10^{-2} \:bar &&= 9.87 \times 10^{-3} \:atm \\ 1 \:atm &= 101.325 \:kPa &&= 1.013 \:bar &&= 760 \:\text{mmHg (Torr)} \\ 1 \:bar &= 10^2 \:kPa &&= 14.5 \:psi \\ 1 \:psi &= 6.895 \:kPa \\ 1 \:\text{Torr} &= 0.133 \:Pa && (\vec{g} = 9.80665 \:m/s^2) \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:J &= 624.15 \times 10^{10} \:MeV &&= 10^7 \:erg \\ 1 \:eV &= 1.602 \times 10^{-19} \:J \\ 1 \:cal &= 4.184 \:J \\ 1 \:Btu &= 1055 \:J \\ 1 \:\text{kWh} &= 3.6 \times 10^6 \:J &&= 3412 \:Btu \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1 \:W &= 1 \:J/s &&= 0.7376 \:ft \cdot lbf/s \\ 1 \:hp &= 745.7 \:W \end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} 1^\circ \text{ (degree)} &= \dfrac{\pi}{180} \:\text{rad} &&= 0.01745 \:\text{rad} \\ 1^\circ &= 60'\text{ (minutes)} \\ 1' &= 60''\text{ (seconds)} \\ 1 \:\text{rad} &= \dfrac{180^\circ}{\pi} \: &&= 57.30^\circ \\ 1 \:\text{revolution} &= 360 \:{}^\circ &&= 2 \pi \:\text{rad} \\ 1 \:\text{rev/min (rpm)} &= 0.1047\:\text{rad/s} \end{aligned}$
Derived Units
Quantity | Name | Symbol | Other Units | Base Units |
Plane Angle | Radian | $\text{rad}$ | $\dfrac{\text{m}}{\text{m}}$ | |
Solid Angle | Steradian | $\text{sr}$ | $\dfrac{\text{m}^2}{\text{m}^2}$ | |
Frequency | Hertz | $\text{Hz}$ | $\dfrac{1}{\text{s}}$ | |
Force | Newton Dyne | $\text{N}$ $\text{dyne}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}}{\text{s}^2}$ $\dfrac{\text{g} \cdot \text{cm}}{\text{s}^2}$ | |
Pressure, Stress | Pascal Barye | $\text{Pa}$ $\text{Ba}$ | $\dfrac{\text{N}}{\text{m}^2}$ $\dfrac{\text{dyne}}{\text{cm}^2}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg}}{\text{m} \cdot \text{s}^2}$ |
Energy, Work, Heat | Joule Erg | $\text{J}$ $\text{erg}$ | $\text{N} \cdot \text{m}$ $\text{dyne} \cdot \text{cm}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}{\text{s}^2}$ $\dfrac{\text{g} \cdot \text{cm}^2}{\text{s}^2}$ |
Power, Heat Flow | Watt | $\text{W}$ | $\dfrac{\text{J}}{\text{s}}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}{\text{s}^3}$ |
Electric Charge | Coulomb | $\text{C}$ | $\text{A} \cdot \text{s}$ | |
Electric Potential | Volt | $\text{V}$ | $\dfrac{\text{W}}{\text{A}}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}{\text{A} \cdot \text{s}^3}$ |
Capacitance | Farad | $\text{F}$ | $\dfrac{\text{C}}{\text{V}}$ | $\dfrac{\text{A}^2 \cdot \text{s}^4}{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}$ |
Resistance | Ohm | $\Omega$ | $\dfrac{\text{V}}{\text{A}}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}{\text{A}^2 \cdot \text{s}^3}$ |
Conductance | Siemens | $\text{S}$ | $\dfrac{\text{A}}{\text{V}}$ | $\dfrac{\text{A}^2 \cdot \text{s}^3}{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}$ |
Magnetic Flux | Weber | $\text{Wb}$ | $\text{V} \cdot \text{s}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}{\text{A} \cdot \text{s}^2}$ |
Magnetic Flux Density | Tesla | $\text{T}$ | $\dfrac{\text{Wb}}{\text{m}^2}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg}}{\text{A} \cdot \text{s}^2}$ |
Inductance | Henry | $\text{H}$ | $\dfrac{\text{Wb}}{\text{A}}$ | $\dfrac{\text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2}{\text{A}^2 \cdot \text{s}^2}$ |
Celsius Temperature | Degree Celsius | ${}^{\circ} C$ | $K$ | |
Luminous Flux | Lumen | $\text{lm}$ | $\text{cd} \cdot \text{sr}$ | $\dfrac{\text{cd} \cdot \text{m}^2}{\text{m}^2}$ |
Illuminance | Lux | $\text{lx}$ | $\dfrac{\text{lm}}{\text{m}^2}$ | $\dfrac{\text{cd}}{\text{m}^2}$ |
Activity | Becquerel | $\text{Bq}$ | $\dfrac{1}{\text{s}}$ |
Units Named After People
Unit | Symbol | Scientist | Quantity |
Becquerel | $\text{Bq}$ | Henri Becquerel | Activity |
Bel* | $\text{B}$ | Alexander Graham Bell | Level |
Coulomb | $\text{C}$ | Charles-Augustin Coulomb | Electric Charge |
Degree Celsius | ${}^{\circ} \text{C}$ | Anders Celsius | Celsius Temperature |
Dalton* | $\text{Da}$ | John Dalton | Mass |
Farad | $\text{F}$ | Michael Faraday | Capacitance |
Gray | $\text{Gy}$ | Louis Gray | Absorbed Dose |
Henry | $\text{H}$ | Joseph Henry | Inductance |
Hertz | $\text{Hz}$ | Heinrich Hertz | Frequency |
Joule | $\text{J}$ | James Joule | Energy, Work, Heat |
Kelvin | $K$ | William Thomson, Lord Kelvin | Temperature |
Newton | $\text{N}$ | Isaac Newton | Force |
Ohm | $\Omega$ | Georg Ohm | Resistance |
Pascal | $\text{Pa}$ | Blaise Pascal | Pressure, Stress |
Poise | $\text{P}$ | Jean Poiseuille | Dynamic Viscosity |
Siemens | $\text{S}$ | Werner von Siemens | Conductance |
Stokes | $\text{St}$ | George Stokes | Kinematic Viscosity |
Tesla | $\text{T}$ | Nikola Tesla | Magnetic Field |
Volt | $\text{V}$ | Alessandro Volta | Electric Potential |
Watt | $\text{W}$ | James Watt | Power, Heat Flow |
Weber | $\text{Wb}$ | Wilhelm Weber | Magnetic Flux |